Dear Parents & Confirmation Candidates,
Confirmation is one of the 3 Sacraments of Initiation into the Church. Together with Baptism and Eucharist, Confirmation completes the grace of Baptism by a special outpouring of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and empowers them for active participation in the worship and apostolic life of the Church.
Parishioners can begin the 2-year study in 9th grade. The program consists of 19 mandatory gatherings including 3 retreats, 11 classes, 2 socials, 1 rehearsal, teaching masses, and Confirmation mass with the Bishop.
Below are the 2024-25 dates, times, and topics:
Year 1
- Aug 18- Youth Ministry Family Event Season Opener
- Sept 22- Baptismal Retreat (in Chapel 5pm)
- Oct 20- Faith/Creed (in PLC 5pm) 4pm Youth Mass
- Nov 17- Church History (in PLC 5pm) 4pm Youth Mass
- Dec 8- Eucharist Retreat (in Church 5pm)
- Jan 12- Why be Catholic? (in PLC 5pm) 4pm Youth Mass
- Feb 9- Teaching mass (in Church 5pm)
- March 9- Defending your Faith, Apologetics (in PLC 5pm) 4pm Youth Mass
- April 13- Power pf Prayer (in PLC 5pm)
- May – Faith & Family Night at the Mighty Muscles Game
Year 2
- Aug 18- Youth Ministry Family Event Season Opener
- Sept 22- Parent/child Meeting (in Chapel 3pm)
- Oct 20- Choosing a Saint Name (in PLC 5pm) 4pm Youth Mass
- Nov 17- Sharing the Faith (in PLC 5pm) 4pm Youth Mass
- Dec 8- Prayer/Eucharist/Adoration (in PLC 5pm & go to church for Adoration)
- Jan 12- Gifts of the Holy Spirit (in PLC 5pm) 4pm Youth Mass
- Feb 9- Confirmation Retreat (in PLC 2pm)
- March 9- Ministry guide, What’s Next? (in PLC 5pm) 4pm Youth Mass
- April- Confirmation rehearsal & celebration with Bishop. Dates will be published in January 2024
- May – Faith & Family Night at the Mighty Muscles Game
The Bishop requires 80% in person. Retreats must be in person. (If you miss a retreat in the first-year study you must attend it in person your second year. If you miss the retreat in second year you must find another retreat at a neighboring parish to attend or wait until the following year.) If you miss a class. Make up work must be completed and turned in by the next scheduled gathering. All extracurricular activities do not take priority over sacrament preparation. Keep in mind of this saying, “There is a 0.0296% chance that your child will become a professional athlete or super star on stage. There is a 100% chance that your child will stand before God. GET THEM TO CHURCH.”
Requirements for the program include:
- Attend Mass regularly (turn in attendance slips)
- Weekly Theology Study (5 choices see below)
- 19 mandatory gatherings
- 10 hours of parish ministry volunteer work
- Copy of Baptismal Certificate (if not baptized here at St John XXIII)
- Medical Authorization form, Image release form, code of conduct- sign and turn in year 1
- Candidate Form turn in year 2
- Sponsor Eligibility form sign and turn in year 2
- Saint Report turn in Year 2
Weekly Theology Choice (Chose one)
- High School Youth Group Social Session (min 10 sessions per year)
- High School Catholic Theology class (BVHS)
- Catechist in training (must be commit to all Faith Formation Classes)
- Teen Mentor in MSYG (min 10 sessions per year)
- Catholic Online School Confirmation program with Certificate (parent led)1 year only