St John XXIII is in the process of making BIG changes to the Rooted Ministry. We are no longer 18 to 39. It just does not work.
The Ministry will now be called Rooted Small Groups.
- Rooted 17 to 22 (meets on first Thursday of each month in the St Michael Room of the PLC)
- Rooted ages 23 to 29 small group (meets on first Thursday of each month in the St Martha-Mary Room of the PLC)
- Rooted and married children welcome (coming soon)
- Rooted 30 to 39 (looking for leaders)
If you would like to plan the gatherings and be a leader to one of the groups above please reach out. Or if you would like to lead a small group not listed we can do that too.
Leaders must be safe environment trained and have their finger prints on file with the Diocese. email:
Small groups will meet on the first Thursday of the month (7-8:30)
We also offer a gathering on the second Sunday of each month in the St Luke Adoration Chapel for praise and Adoration at 4pm.