Altar Servers
Tasks & Responsibilities
- Participation in the conducting of a Mass
- Training and scheduling of Altar Servers
- Required training or skills: Short orientation meeting
Approximate Time Commitment
1 hour, 1-2 times per month
Bethany Myers, Liturgy Coordinator
239-561-2245 |
Why is this ministry right for me?
“This is an excellent opportunity for young people to become more involved in celebrating Mass. Servers get to know the Priests and other active parishioners as friends, rather than just faces. The Mass also takes on a deeper meaning when you’re directly involved, and the training helps the young people develop leadership skills at an appropriate age.”
These are a few of the expectations we have of the servers:
- Please be at the Church 15 minutes before Mass begins.
- Please check with the Deacon or Priest to see what needs to be done to prepare for Mass.
- Please fulfill your assigned times to serve.
- Please find your own replacement at Mass if you cannot make it for whatever reason (a list of servers will be provided).
- Please wear “Sunday clothes” at the weekend Masses, even when not scheduled to serve.
- Please hang up vestments after Mass.
- Please pay attention to the Priest and Deacon during Mass.
- Please know and say the appropriate responses throughout the Mass.
- Please serve at funerals and weddings when asked.
Need to learn how to Serve?