It is imperative that we are well-informed with concise and accurate information and to be able to calmly and rationally state why all citizens and especially Catholics should vote NO on amendment 4. If you or someone you know has any hesitations or wishes to know more about how you can effectively talk about this difficult subject please stay-tuned for information on upcoming sessions. Please mark your calendars and invite your friends and neighbors Monday, August 26 in the evening and Tuesday, August 27 in the morning in the St. John XXIII Parish Life Center for the first of the monthly sessions exploring this egregious amendment. ALL are welcome.
For more information please contact the St. John XXIII parish office 239-561-2245 OR and a member of the Respect Life team will reach out to you.
If you or someone you know has been impacted by an abortion whether it’s been 10 days or 50 years, confidential and merciful healing is available to you in English and Spanish.
Project Rachel:
OR Sylvia Jiminez 941-412-5860