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Compassionate Ministries

Compassion is sometimes the fatal capacity for feeling what it is like to live inside somebody else’s skin. It is the knowledge that there can never really be any peace and joy for me until there is peace and joy finally for you too. Our Compassionate Services Ministry is the most delicate of all our ministries at St. John XXIII.
Also, we encourage you to learn more about our "Journey to Hope Mental Health Ministry", which brings hope and support to individuals and family members affected by a mental health disorder.

We visit the homebound, the hospitalized, the sick and the dying. We minister to those that mourn the loss of their loved ones, and we prayerfully support those in our Parish whose situation cannot be labeled.


Mary Kazor – 239-561-2245 |
Our Arimatheans kindle the Parish spirit of community by their presence at funerals, and respect toward the family of the deceased in this final tribute.

Bereavement & Beyond

239-561-2245 |
We meet weekly to provide a safe and supportive place for you to journey with others who are also experiencing loss. We reach out to each other with love and understanding. As we work to cope with this life-changing event in the light of our faith, we begin the process of finding new meaning and purpose in our lives. You will be warmly welcomed. We meet Tuesday afternoon from 1:00-3:00 p.m.

Funeral Planning Ministry

Judy Yost and Mary Zizzo – 239-561-2245 |
Mission Statement: The Mission of Funeral Ministry is to guide and assist with the preparation of the Mass for the death of a loved one.

We meet with the families-friends to help them prepare and plan the readings, prayers and music for the funeral liturgy. We are here to provide spiritual support and to help with the details of planning the funeral and burial. Likewise, we are available to assist with pre-planning for those who wish to do so. We work to console and support those who experience a death of loved one, so they will feel the healing comfort of God through the Celebration of a Catholic Mass.

Faith Community Nursing

Helen Tuffy, Toni Granchi, Judy Balyeat, Joann Andrews

Faith Community Nursing is a ministry of healing presence. Our focus is on your mind, body and spirit. Perhaps we could visit you in the hospital, nursing home, a rehab center or your own home. We strive to serve as a link between the health care system and your needs. Please call the parish office to contact a parish nurse to assist you.

A Heart That Found a Home

Bobby Gillespie live in our Villas on the east side of our property. She’s had a rough life but has found faith and solace in the community St. John XXIII. Watch her interview with Father Bob and be inspired by her absolute courage in the face of extremely difficult circumstances.

Dip your toe in the waters of ministry.

There can never really be any peace and joy for me until there is peace and joy finally for you too.