SMDP is an entirely volunteer run operation and we quite literally can’t do this without you – so please SignUp when you are able to help!
Do not for a second think that it is simply handing the person a bit of food, money or clothing that gives us the greatest reward. The greatest return always comes in the gratitude a person often expresses; and this often comes when we simply spend the time to listen & empathize.
Be a part of St Martin De Porres Outreach
Art & Environment Ministry
Catherine Vaughn – 239-561-2245 |
The Art & Environment Ministry creates seasonal decorations which enhance the mood of the liturgical seasons. The atmosphere of reverence and beauty all reflect the glory of God. Extra hands from women and men are needed for projects at all times of the year.
Communications Ministry
Colleen Leavy – 239-561-2245 |
The ministry produces all communication materials for the Parish – including human interest articles, videos, the bulletin, podcasts, the Parish website, signage and other projects.
Craftie Ladies/Prayer Shawl & Rosary Group Ministries
Cherly Rajotte – 239-561-2245 |
The Craftie Ladies are a group of Christian women who come together weekly to use the gifts given to them by God to sew, quilt, knit, crochet, etc. We host an annual craft fair, where all profits are used for supplies and to help fund many various charities in the local area. We meet Mondays from 1-3pm at the Parish Life Center. For information to join please contact us at All are welcome.
Check out the Craftie Ladies’ Accomplishments!
Eucharistic Outreach Ministry
Helen Tuffy 239-561-2245 |
We visit the homebound, bring them the Eucharist, and bring fellowship to those that are alone. We assess needs of their spiritual, physical, material and overall well-being.
Hospitality (Special Events)
Lois Becker- 239-561-2245 |
We are an on-call staff of volunteers that prepare foof for special events in the Parish.
Hospitality (After Mass)
Jennifer Baumgardner – 239-561-2245 | om
We bring our parish together after the celebration of Mass with coffee, donuts and other refreshments. Time commitment is minimal, and this is a great way to meet people from all walks of life.
Hospital Eucharistic Ministry
Paul Kielmeyer – 239-561-2245 |
We visit the sick at Gulf Coast Medical Center every day of the year, bringing them the Body of Christ, praying with them and providing rosaries made by St. John XXIII Rosary Ministry.
Click here for the contact listing for the Hospitals & Care Centers
Nursing Home Eucharistic Ministry
Cindy Weigel 239-561-2245 |
We visit the sick in the Nursing Homes within our Parish and bring the patients the Body of Christ, pray with them, and provide rosaries made by the St. John XXIII Rosary Ministry.
Knights of Columbus
239-561-2245 |
We are looking for the next generation of Knights. Our council establishes service goals and plans multiple charitable events throughout the year. We are men of faith, guided not only by our belief in God and the Catholic Faith, but by our belief in ourselves and each other.
Men’s Gospel Forum
Mike Lancellot – 239-561-2245 |
Mark Bir 239-561-2245 |
We meet each Monday at 7:00am for coffee and casual, yet meaningful discussion on the upcoming week’s Gospel, and how it applies to our lives as fathers, husbands and employees.
Living Your Strengths
Bethany Myers, 239-561-2245 |
What makes you unique? How are you called to serve?
During the interactive and enlightening Living Your Strengths workshops, participants journey through the process of identifying, affirming and applying their unique God-given talents – the way we most naturally think, feel, and behave – to better serve those within and beyond our parish community, resulting in greater personal spirituality and life satisfaction.
Parish Library
Lori Izral – 239-561-2245 |
We collect and organize books on faith-based subjects, or other subjects that we deem appropriate. Books are checked out and returned based on a card system.
Respect Life Ministry
Kathy Danehy – 239-561-2245 |
Our ministry focuses on transforming our society into a culture that respects life from conception to natural death. We pray for, educate, advocate, and promote activities at all levels – parish, diocese, locally, statewide, and nationally – that increase awareness of the importance of respecting and protecting every human life. Please contact us so we can add you to our Respect Life e-mail distribution list and keep you informed of future Respect Life meetings and activities.
Helpful Links:
Elizabeth Andrews & Lynn Oakley
239-561-2245 |
“When did we see You hungry, thirsty, naked….and feed You….?” “When you did this for the least of your brothers!”
Life as a Eucharistic people calls us to be Christ for one another. Involvement in this Ministry challenges us to live the Gospel Message with a keen sense of awareness, understanding, truth, love and action. We are deeply committed to every aspect of social justice as proclaimed in the teachings of the Catholic Church. To be involved in this ministry is to walk in the footsteps of Jesus Christ…
- Within Our Parish
- Within Our Community
- Across the Nation
- Across International Borders
We feed and clothe the poor; we provide sneakers and school supplies to needy children; we provide toiletries and infant clothing to mothers who Choose Life, and we shine light on the tragedy of human trafficking. We rebuilt the forgotten homes of Katrina Victims in Biloxi and we support Catholic Charities in their struggle to serve the least among us. We have actively maintain a Food Pantry at St. John XXIII Villas and at St. Martin de Porres Community Outreach Center on Palm Beach Blvd. We respond to the cry of the poor and our blessings are abundant. The Social Justice Ministry is our answer to the call of Christ. Join us in this Ministry and let Jesus change your heart.
Teams of Our Lady (TOOL)
Tony and Judy Fennell |
We are a Catholic Movement of “Married Spirituality”, which brings together Christian couples united by the Sacrament of Matrimony and who wish, together, to deepen the graces of their Sacrament.
Thrift Store
Clayton Goodridge – 239-433-4097 |
We sell donated goods to provide funds to support Catholic education and local community outreach. Purchasing from, and volunteering at the Thrift Store is an effective way to support our faith community.
Women’s Guild
Sue Edwards – 239-561-2245 |
The Women’s Guild creates a sisterhood among the women of the parish and the community. They help enrich the spirituality of those around them by serving Jesus through their outreach efforts. Meetings are held the third Monday of the month from 6:30-8:30pm. All women of the parish are welcome.
65 & Over Singles Sunday Brunch
Carole Eckhout – 239-561-2245 |
We meet the first Sunday of every month at various locations for brunch and fellowship. Friendships develop from these get-togethers, as it is a great place to meet new people. All are welcome (65+) to join this group.
Very few people ever get to experience adoption, either on the giving or receiving end, and even fewer can anticipate the emotional landscape in which they are about to traverse. Rather than feeling the familiar states of happiness, elation, joy or confusion, the Marr’s have gone through stages of utter disbelief, and describe the emotions like waves crashing ashore – consistent, yet never quite the same each time. “Is this my life?” Some couples fear that they might not have the same innate ability to fully love a child that shares none of their DNA. But at this point, almost 2 years after meeting James and Katherine, all doubt has departed.
A priest is on call 7 days a week, 24hrs a day for these hospitals:
Health Park – St. Columbkille Church 239-489-3973
Lee Memorial – St. Francis Xavier Church 239-334-2161
Gulf Coast – St. John XXIII 239-561-2245
You are able to receive the Sacrament of the Sick before being admitted to a facility.
St. Columbkille – Hope Hospice 239-489-3973
9470 Health Park Circle, Ft. Myers, FL
St. Raphael – Lehigh Acres Health & Rehab Center 239-369-2194
1550 Lee Blvd, Lehigh Acres, FL
Hope Hospice 239-369-1831 1201 Wings Way, Lehigh Acres, FL
St. Leo – Hope Hospice 239-992-0901
27200 Imperial Pkwy, Bonita Springs, FL
St. Vincent de Paul 239-693-0818
What CAN’T the Craftie Ladies do?
St. John XXIII donations include:
- Embroidered Baptismal bibs
- Created and embroidered Priest’s stoles for special occasions
- Prayers Shawls
- Handmade Rosaries for First Communion, local hospitals, parishioners, Confirmation, Hope Hospice, etc.
- St. John XXIII Comfort Blankets for Home Bound Ministry
- Fidget Blankets for Special Needs Masses
- Handmade items for Women’s Guild Fashion Show
- Sewed 2 Palls
- RCIA Banners
- Handmade Cotton Masks for parishioners, First Communicants
Monetary Donations made to: Capital Campaign, Vacation Bible School, Soles for Souls Campaign, Backpack Campaign, Youth Mission Trip, Faith Formation (to purchase Children’s Bibles)
St. Martin de Porres donations include:
- Knitted and crocheted hats
- Handmade Blankets and quilts
- Helped organize and clean up current building
- Purchased work boots
- Handmade Cotton Masks
- Sponsored St. John XXIII Youth Group Clean-up day
- Monetary Donations made for Hurricane Relief, purchase of kitchen items, purchase of refrigerator truck and Christmas funds match event
Verity Pregnancy & Medical Resource Center donations include:
Baby Bags for Moms (Hand Made Diaper bags with receiving blanket, burp cloth, bib, diapers, wipes, onesie, shampoo, lotion, baby wash, pacifier, Vaseline jelly, etc.)
Gulf Coast Medical Center and Lee Health donations include:
- Huggy Heart Pillows for patients
- Knitted and Crocheted Hats for cancer patients
- Toys for ER
- Compassion Blankets
- Handmade Cotton Masks
- Handmade N-95 Masks
- Handmade Scrub Hats
St. John XXIII Villa Residents donations include:
- Purchased toilet paper, laundry soap, dish soap, paper towels, soup, fish, ground meat, chicken, trash bags, baggies, eggs, etc. for pantry
- Handmade Cotton Masks
- Summer Camp Scholarship for manager’s son
- Appreciation gifts for manager, maintenance and resident who picks up day old breads and produce
Hope Hospice donations include:
- Handmade Cotton Masks
- Knitted and Crocheted Hats
- Veteran’s Blankets
- Prayers Shawls
- Abuse Counseling & Treatment Inc. (ACT)
- Baby, Children and adult quilts and blankets
- Knitted and Crocheted Hats
- Toiletries
- Handmade Cotton Masks
Animal Shelter donations include:
- Monetary donations to Humane Society, Haven on Earth Animal League, and Lee County Animal Care Trust Fund
- Fabric, sheets, towels for animal bedding
- Blankets & Blessings donations include:
- Handmade Quilts and blankets
- Knitted and Crochet Hats
- Purchased socks
- Handmade Cotton Masks
- Purchased blankets
Misc. monetary donations to:
- Special Equestrians
- Harry Chapin Hunger Walk
- Charleston Park Clean Water
- Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
- American Lung Cancer Research
- Blankets & Blessings
- St. Francis Xavier Scholarship
Misc. Other Donations include:
Items made for AFCAAM Charity Golf Classic Fundraiser; The Club at Pelican Preserve Golf Tournament Fundraiser; St. John XXIII Angel Tree; Knit for Kids; Boys and Girls Club of Collier County; Immokalee Migrant workers, cotton masks for member’s families, neighbors and friends; and knitted hats and scarves for out of state Senior Care Facilities.