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The Stories about how we've made it from the Head to the Heart.

We tell authentic stories to the people who need to hear them most.

We encourage you to look through the Stories section of our site and discover the different ways that faith plays a part in dealing with people's most ardent challenges. But first meet our parishioner Fernando Catillo, who runs a ministry on Palm Beach Blvd, and embodies the heart of stewardship we encourage and support at St. John XXIII.

Every person is living their own version of God's plan. Often it looks like tragedy, but we believe it's about growth.

We’ve tried to tell stories which can live on the other six days of the week. For some, spiritual death happens long before actual death. But there are many who make it back from the gates of hell. Through either work, too much play,

or through random circumstances, there are people in our Parish that have risen above the “worldliness” that seems to plague us all, and have lived their faith into the answers. Our stories can inspire you to do the same.

WORSHIP     |     SERVE     |     GROW     |     CONNECT     |     GIVE

Stories on Worshiping

Noelle Childs 7:12

“I went to the hospital immediately. They ran a bunch of tests, and I ended up staying there for a few days. I was on the verge of needing a blood transfusion…”

Rich Byrne 2:37

“I learned in new ways to pay attention to God’s Loving Presence and realize that God is always paying attention to me.”

Deacon Rich 10:54

There’s staying on the trail and then there’s taking the “alternative” route.

Stories about Service

A Heart for Humanity 2:22

Watch some drone footage of our team’s best riders going downhill on Salient mountain.

Karen Sanders 10:37

Well done, my good and faithful servant. Karen talks about her experiences serving the people and ministries of St. John XXIII,

What Matters on the Mountain 12:08

When the luxuries of life are stripped away, it becomes clear why spiritual truth is the ultimate kind of truth.

Stories about Growth

Kathi Ogan: Hot to Grow 10:57

Kathi shares her incredible journey through some really tough times – times that have strengthened her place in God’s world.

From Fury to Forgiveness 48:08

“I have my degree from the school of hard knocks,” and her PhD in forgiveness. Marietta’s experience is every parent’s worst nightmare.

Linda Sayres on Pain 2:32

Nothing teaches quite like pain, and no one has learned as much from it as Linda Sayres. Watch her amazing story.

Stories about Connection

6 Dates, Marriage Challenges 7:32

Take time during these short evening programs to remember and acknowledge the special things about your relationship.

Tony Majeri 7:08

What happens at the 11th hour? Tony Majeri’s experience at Hospice can help us get to the bottom of that question.

The Effect when we Connect 4:14

This is a short story about a girl and her family. Ella shaves her head in support of her grandmother who is going through chemotherapy.

Stories on Giving

Give Until it Doesn’t Hurt 21:59

Troy Hoffman has some interesting experience in giving – an organ. Humility and gratitude are his code.

RJ’s Gift to St. John XXIII 2:08

RJ Valdez talks about his life as a painter. He knew from age 8 that painting would occupy a place in his life, and his skills continue to improve.

Giving Your Life to Ministry 5:06

Robin Dysard talks about what it’s like to just start giving your life to ministry. What happens to your soul in that moment.

Did you know there's a film on our Patron St. John XXIII?

Well there is! And it's pretty good. It covers The life of Pope John XXIII, who was known for profound spirituality and extraordinary goodness from the early years of his life.


Matt Piedimonte

a FOCUSed missionary

Throughout his collegiate career, Matt struggled with maintaining his faith and connection to God. Without a strong identity, he fell victim to the party culture, following advice from his friends on how to become happy. This lifestyle ended up leaving Matt with more questions than answers, and a sense of unfulfillment. “Despite graduating and having a good job lined up, I still had an ache.” Watch his interview here.