Mike Reese presents...
What do we really believe?
A 4-Part Series
We are here to better understand the teachings of our Catholic Faith, in the hope that this knowledge will lead us to growth in our loving relationship with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
What We Really Believe Part 1
Core beliefs of the Catholic Church
“Ignorance of the faith puts Christians at risk of following a ‘do-it-yourself’ religion.” In an address to his weekly general audience on October 17, 2012, Pope Benedict XVI explains why people need to become more familiar with the faith. It is there that the “Christian moral life is planted and … where one finds its foundation and justification.”
What We Really Believe Part 2
Baptism, Eucharist & Reconciliation
Knowing what we do about God, God’s Grace and the Incarnation, we are invited to respond to this tremendous offer of love. Relationships require a free response of love. This session’s topics are Baptism, Eucharist, Reconciliation. In the great scheme of things, the most important event in our life!
What We Really Believe Part 3
Salvation, Heaven, Angels
At the heart of our human condition is the question of salvation and the after life. We know but a little, but what we do know is often misunderstood. Our secular culture often has the same questions we do but, with very different answers.
What We Really Believe Part 4
Tradition, Saints and the Pope
Many people inside and outside the Catholic Church are unclear of the exact role of these three teachings. When properly understood they should be sources of inspiration not division and confusion.