A Message from Fr. Jay
Dear Friends,
Today we celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday.
The entrance antiphon (from 1 Peter 2:2) for this Sunday begins: “Like newborn infants you must long for the pure, spiritual milk that in him you may grow to salvation, alleluia”. Yes…pure and spiritual milk is given in a special way through forgiveness and grace through this Divine Mercy Sunday. In the gospel, Thomas longed for that spiritual milk like a newborn baby and raised a spontaneous question (let us not call it raising a doubt) and Jesus allowed him to put his hand on his side (where water (Baptism)and blood (Eucharist)came when the soldier pierced him with his lance). The result is total surrender with his words “My Lord and my God”.
Being in Eucharistic revival at our parish and home level this year, let us surrender ourselves to Him by admiring him with the same words of Thomas when we stand before the Holy Eucharist. The Second reading also testifies with the words of John, “…This is the one who came through water and blood…”
I would like to thank every one of you for delivering a meaningful holy observation and celebration of Lenten events, Triduum and Holy Easter particularly our Staff team, Liturgical teams of Sacristans, Lectors, Ushers, Music ministry, Altar Servers, Communication team (website, Social Media and live-streaming), Art and Environment team, Religious Education teams for Children and Adults, OCIA, Deacons, Priests and you my beloved people! We joyfully weave our spiritual threads together even though it is not that easy! The risen Lord brings us blessings. Thank you!
Next Sunday, I celebrate my 25 years Silver Jubilee of my ordination anniversary. Keep me in your prayers that I may continually be devoted to the Lord throughout my life and ministry. With out your prayers and encouragement, it would be hard to live as a priest in the present context. Some of my Priest friends will be concelebrating at the 11:15am Mass and families and friends from my former parishes and some families from Indian communities from around the area and Tampa will also be visiting our church for the occasion. I can’t stop saying “My Lord and my God.”
God Bless,
Fr. Jay Raju
Reading 1: Acts 4:32-35
Reading 11: 1 John 5:1-6
Gospel: John 20:19-31