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A Message from Fr. Jay

Dear Friends,

There is a story about a group of frogs travelling in a forest. Three of the frogs fell into a deep pit. All the other frogs gathered around the pit and stared at those three poor frogs. The three frogs tried to jump out of the steep pit. All the other frogs told them that, for practical reasons, they were doomed to die. Yet these three frogs continued to try jumping out. After a couple of futile tries, two frogs stopped trying, while the third one kept on jumping. All the other frogs shouted at this poor frog not to lose energy since it might need to survive for a few days. But to everyone’s surprise, that third frog was able to jump out of the pit. When asked how it could be possible, the poor frog said that it is hard of hearing and therefore, thought all the frogs around the pit were encouraging her to jump out of the pit!

Proclamation brings change! The first reading and the gospel reading mention the word of God being proclaimed. We call this evangelization! All three readings tell us that we are running out of time! No more postponing our conversions. The change of our lives is imminent and immediate. Let us trust in the word of our Lord and proclaim it not only through word but also through our actions.

God bless,
Fr. Jay Raju

  • Reading 1: Jonah 3:1-5, 10
  • Reading 11: 1 Corinthians 7:29-31
  • Gospel: Mark 1:14-20