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A Father Bob-CastBulletin PostsHoly DayThe 23rd Times

Nov 22, 2020 | The 23rd Times

By November 19, 2020No Comments

Thanksgiving Blessings

Thank you God for this Thanksgiving Day.
God bless each of us with love, joy, hope and memories of those that have passed away.
Thank you for our forefathers, for our religious freedom, for bravely crossing the water to a new land so that we can worship freely as we seek God’s kingdom.
Thank you God for my wonderful friends and family. For the sunshine they bring to my life and the love and support they each give to me.
Thank you God for Your son that died for our sins. For Your unconditional love to each of us and for answering our prayers again and again.
Father, bless us this Thanksgiving day, bless this bounty of food, friends and family and bless each of us with memories that time cannot take away.

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