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June 23rd, 2019 | The 23rd Times

By June 20, 2019No Comments

Eucharistic Adorers

by: Deacon Rich Klish

O come, let us adore Him
O come, let us adore Him
O come, let us adore Him
Christ the Lord

Those are the closing lines of the beloved Christmas hymn, “O Come All Ye Faithful”. Shortly after last Christmas, on January 7th, our St. Luke Chapel opened for Eucharistic adoration. Since then, many of the parishioners of St. John XXIII have visited this beautiful facility. It features striking stained-glass windows that depict healing miracles of Our Lord. The Sacred Host is positioned in a specially designed monstrance. The room seats about twenty, and is dedicated strictly to adoration.

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All are welcome to visit and spend some time with Jesus in the Chapel. Any time with Our Lord is quality time! Our Adoration Chapel Ministry Team considers attendees in two categories: Visitors, who drop in for as long as they wish, and Adorers, who sign up and commit to an hour of adoration.

So we invite our parishioners: Would you consider being an Adorer? The benefits and joys of this commitment are many. Adorers have reported:

  • A Deepened Prayer Life
  • Changing and Growing as a Person
  • The Blessing of Quiet and Focus
  • Peace in Other Areas of Their Life

For some, an hour would seem a long stretch of time to participate in adoration. But for many Adorers, the time passes quickly. During the hour, Adorers can engage in:

  • Spontaneous Prayer
  • Praying the Rosary
  • Reading the Liturgy of the Hours (Divine Office)
  • Reading Sacred Scripture
  • Reading spiritual / reflective writings
  • Listening to Our Lord as he Speaks to our Hearts

For more information about this Ministry, please visit:

Adoration Chapel Ministry

For many of us, our lives are busy, our commitments many, and the pace of our life is hectic. This raises the question: how can I spare an hour?

There is no answer for everyone. But many who give up that hour find it paid back to them in many ways. Spending an hour with Jesus every week can reflect the words of Psalm 23:

The LORD is my shepherd;
there is nothing I lack.
In green pastures He makes me lie down;
to still waters He leads me;
He restores my soul.

Our Adoration Chapel is a quiet place of “still waters” where we can visit Our Lord and emerge refreshed and renewed.

A popular song of twenty years ago talked about 525,600 minutes – the number of minutes in an entire year. Can you consider spending some of those many minutes in hours with Jesus? It will be the highest quality time, and in the words of St. Theresa of Calcutta: “adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is the best time you will spend on earth”.