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Our Five Pillars of Church.
Find Faith In Our Pillars
The people within our walls are filled with such love and joy!
Explore the many ways to give time, talent and treasure.
Mass Times & Reconciliation (by Season)

Our Mass Schedule is now Year-Round
Daily Mass | Mon-Sat 8:00 am
Saturday Vigil Mass 4:00 pm | Vietnamese 8:00 pm
Sunday 7:15 | 9:15 | 11:15 am
Spanish Mass 1:30 pm
Saturdays at 8:30-9:30am
The 2025 Catholic Faith Appeal
The 23rd Times: Bulletin & News
February 2nd, 2025 | The 23rd Times
January 26th, 2025 | The 23rd Times
Empathy in Action
Compassionate Ministries
Compassion is sometimes the fatal capacity for feeling what it is like to live inside somebody else’s skin. It is the knowledge that there can never really be any peace and joy for me until there is peace and joy finally for you too. Our Compassionate Services Ministry is the most delicate of all our ministries at St. John XXIII. True compassion lives in you… really.
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Expand Our Reach.
Outreach Ministries
Outreach is important to our church because it is important to God and that makes it important to every Christian for the following reason. Outreach was commanded by Christ. Before His ascension, Jesus told the disciples that their impact on the world should start in their city and expand its influence into the entire world.
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Total Devotion
Worship Ministries
The Mass is the Lord’s Supper. The Mass is the celebration of the paschal mystery of Jesus Christ. Christ instituted the Eucharist in the cenacle on Holy Thursday, in the framework of the Jewish Passover, to leave to all Christians the new Passover with its saving presence until the end of time. Celebrate what we believe.
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Grow... because your spiritual formation should never end...
We now have access to FORMED, a remarkable online source of learning. In parish studies, catechetical training, small groups, family devotions or personal faith-formation, FORMED provides the essentials of the Catholic Faith – accessible, clear, faithful and inspiring. There is no cost to you, our parishioner. This is truly a gift! Please register at the following address and you will have access to the entire program of videos, audio, e-books and movies. Register at
Just a Snapshot at How We’ve Grown
We like to measure the metrics that matter.
So Many Ways to Give
When you Dig Deep Into Your Time & Talents, the Impact is Exponential!
Time: Volunteerism
The practice of Stewardship of Time, Talent and Treasure is a grateful response to our deep heartfelt desire to give something back to God in thanksgiving for all we have received, including the gift of life itself.
Talent: Teach & Use Your Skills
We encourage you to read through the Ministry section of our site for different opportunities in which to spend your most precious resource. God has given you many talents, and only a certain amount of time – use them in His name!
Treasure: Give YOUR Way
As we celebrate our 12th year as a parish, we give thanks to God for His grace and abundant blessings. Since our earliest days, we gratefully acknowledge our past and our present by building for our future.