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Bulletin PostsGiveThe 23rd Times

Feb 3rd, 2019 | The 23rd Times

By January 31, 2019No Comments

Giving of Your Love

by: Al Natella

We are told it is better to give than to receive. But do we truly believe this in our heart of hearts or is it more trite commentary by the Christian community to sell old values that have been handed down for centuries and documented in the Bible? Let us pause for just an instant and simply say; unless we have opened our hearts, released our fears, embraced and trusted a loving God we may never REALLY know.

We are asked to give of the three T’s, time, talent and treasure. At St. John XXIII our faith community has certainly given of its’ treasure. I was curious about how many times God talked about treasure/money in the old and new testament. In fact, there are more than 2000 scriptures on giving, money and possessions. God spoke more often about money than he did about faith and prayer combined. And so it is with great joy and pride that the parishioners of St John XXIII celebrate the opening of the new Parish Life Center and Adoration Chapel; evidence of a truly faith filled and generous parish community with regard to sharing our treasure. The outpouring of support to create and build a place to educate our children and adults, a place to celebrate life and a quiet place to pray and be close to our maker are clear evidence of the open and trusting hearts of our faith community. Surely our community is actively building “His Kingdom” on earth. Much has been given. Surely much will be received.

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As we embrace 2019, let us turn our focus to sharing the other two T’s, time and talent. As Catholics we can be proud of our legacy as the largest non-governmental social services provider in the world. We focus on the marginalized citizens of the world regardless of faith, ethnicity or background. Our commitment to the Catholic Faith Appeal enables us to support charities throughout the diocese favorably impacting our community. Eg: AFCAAM, Family Haven, Guadalupe Social Services in Immokalee, Bethesda House, Judy Sullivan Family Resource Center, Elizabeth Kay Galeana Center, to mention just a few. Volunteering your time and talent is critical to their continued success and economic viability. Collectively we are creating a vibrant and spirit-filled community based on love for one another. St. Francis said; “It is in giving that we receive”. Proverbs 3:28 “Whoever refreshes will be refreshed.”

For 2019 please consider sharing the other two T’s, your time and talents, with an organization that touches your heart. Fr. Carmela of Catholic Charities reminds us that in Latin the word charity means love. Jesus is love. As you consider spending your time and talents with the less fortunate think not of giving to a charity of your choice but of giving your love to others.