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The Meaning of Memorial Day

by Jeremy Wells Catholic Exchange

Each May, the United States celebrates a day called Memorial Day. Does Memorial Day have meaning? What is the history of Memorial Day?

Memorial Day was first widely observed in May 1868. The celebration commemorated the sacrifices of the Civil War and the proclamation was made by General John A Logan. Following the proclamation, participants decorated graves of more than 20,000 Union and Confederate soldiers.

In years since World War 1, the day has become a celebration of honor for those who died in all America’s wars, as well as those who are Veterans and current members of the US military.

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In 1971, Memorial Day was declared a national holiday. The United States celebrates this holiday the last Monday of May.

Many people are very free with their opinions about war, about whether or not we should fight this war or that, about where and how the military should be deployed or brought home. In some countries, freely expressing these opinions could land you in jail or worse. In America, our right to express them is protected by the highest law in our land. In America, men and women have given their lives defending that right.

Regardless of whether we support a particular war, we should always support the men and women who serve in our military.

Memorial Day is about honoring the fallen, giving thanks to all who have served and who are serving. It is about supporting the men and women who day after day put their lives on the line so that you and I can be free.

Does Memorial Day have meaning to you? Many communities around the United States have memorial day events at cemeteries where veterans and spiritual leaders speak. Other cities and towns host parades to honor the military. However, in many cities around the country, these events have been forgotten.

It is important for Americans to take time to remember the sacrifices that bought their freedom.

To all our veterans, the ones who came home and the ones who didn’t, our debt to you is deep. Know that we remember you, we thank you, and we ask the good Lord to reward you for your faithful service to the United States of America.

Join Us! MONDAY, MAY 31 after the 8:00am Mass: There will be a prayer service in the Memorial Garden on Monday, May 31 right after the 8:00am Mass. Fr. Saji will be the celebrant. A special thank you to Mike Sullivan who will be putting flags on all graves of those who have served in the military.