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Bulletin PostsFr. Jay LettersThe 23rd Times

November 24th, 2024 | The 23rd Times

By November 18, 2024No Comments

A Message from Fr. Jay

Dear Friends,

Sunday, we celebrate the feast of Christ the King! A king without territory, a king without royal robes, a king with a crown of thorns, a king who possesses nothing other than Love as a shield and truth as His sword, a king paraded naked, tortured, and despised in an inhuman way, seated not on a throne but hung on a cross. Yet he truly is a king remembered in history!

God is all powerful having everlasting dominion. He is the Alpha and the Omega. His Son our Lord Jesus exercises power originating from Truth…not from muscle. Even after two world wars, humans have not learned this lesson. We are in the third world war already in bits and pieces. Ego, selfishness, greed, glamor, arrogance are all an increasing scenario among the leaders of the world by hiding or replacing the truth. God calls us to understand His truth and un-learn our ego, selfishness, greed, glamor, and arrogance. We are chosen to proclaim the truth and promote peace and love.

Let us meditate a bit on these lines of Jesus:

  • The truth will set you free – (John 8:32)
  • I am the way, the truth, and the life – (John 14/6)

As we celebrate Thanksgiving Day, let us remember to be grateful to God, to mother nature and to everyone. Happy Thanksgiving day!

God Bless,
Fr. Jay Raju

Reading 1: Daniel 7:13-14
Reading 11: Revelation 1:5-8
Gospel: John 18: 33b-37