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Bulletin PostsFr. Jay LettersThe 23rd Times

October 27th, 2024 | The 23rd Times

By October 24, 2024October 28th, 2024No Comments

A Message from Fr. Jay

Dear Friends,

Helen Keller, a blind American Activist and Disability Rights Advocate once said, “The most beautiful things in the world can’t be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.

I read an interesting story recently about a husband and wife who had moved into a new house. The next morning, while sitting near the window sipping her coffee, the wife looks through the window into the backyard of the next house. She then calls her husband and tells him, “Oh dear, our neighbor doesn’t know how to wash clothes. See, how dirty they are.” This complaint goes on for three days. On the fourth day, the woman is surprised to see the washed clothes are now sparkling clean. She called to her husband and said: “Look, our neighbor must have heard my comments. Today she has done a good job of washing her clothes.” The husband said, “Honey, this morning I cleaned our windowpanes!”

Blindness is everywhere, in everyone and in different forms. Bartimaeus, even though physically blind, had a clear vision in his heart by calling Jesus as the Son of David! When told to go his way after the healing, he decided to follow Jesus. He believed Jesus as the one who listens to his cry and cares for him. In the first reading, God, Yahweh, cares for His people of Israel. What is there that blinds me… not to see the truth? Oh Lord! open my eyes!

This week, we celebrate All Saints Day and All Souls Day. We are all called to His sainthood. In shaping us to lead a good and holy life, there have been many souls who lived and have gone to the eternal home in our lives. Let us remember all those saints and souls who came across our lives.

Let us remember to remove all types of blindness in us with the help of good heart.

God Bless,
Fr. Jay Raju

  • Reading 1: Jeremiah 31: 7-9
  • Reading 11: Hebrews 5: 1-6
  • Gospel: Mark 10:46-52