A Message from Fr. Jay
Dear Friends,
Some time ago, I happened to see a short video clip on social media with the dialogue of a mom, Christy Kean with her 3-month-old daughter, baby Charlotte, who hears for the first time after getting a hearing aid. Emotions are adorably shared with a smile, a cry of joy, a cooing with pouting lips, and the powerful words of mom – I LOVE YOU. https://youtu.be/5jT1JXzaNwM?si=TlA6LYv3uzCPpocH
In the gospel, Jesus makes a deaf man hear. That man never came to Jesus by himself. He was brought to Him by his friends. He probably was tired of being accused of some curse for his sins or sins of his forefathers. Hesitant and annoyed by the society, he was not able to see Jesus clearly as a healer. But his friends begged Jesus to lay his hand on him. What a powerful ministry of true friends!
Every Friday Eucharist Adoration:
The world needs healing, and the world needs friends. We are commissioned to make friendships with everyone, crossing any type of borders of language, race, religion, nationality etc., We are sick of being deaf and especially spiritual deafness. Jesus wants to touch and tell us ‘Ephphatha’ – Be opened. The counterculture propagated by agenda media or politicians propagate deafness. Amendment 4: Florida on Abortion, is one such example that promotes deafness. Jesus tells us “Ephphatha”. Vote NO on Amendment 4 please. We are introducing a whole night of Eucharistic Adoration every Friday in the Adoration Chapel from now until we remove the deafness of Amendment 4.
God considers you and me as ‘friends, like friends who brought healing to the deaf man. In John 15:15 He says, “I no longer call you slaves…I call you friends”. Real friendship does not see status, wealth, beauty or pride. Real friendship is the saddle for our faith. That is what is propagated by James in the second reading.
Grandparents Day 9-8:
As we celebrate Grandparents Day, let us take time to remember, pray, call, visit, or spend a little time with them. The wisdom of our grandparents help form the unconditional love in our families.
Never Forget 9-11:
Let us also remember the innocent lives lost on September 11, 2001. Many first responders sacrificed their lives to save at least a few. Let us always remember their love and sacrifice. Join us on Wednesday, September 11 for a prayer service in the Memorial Garden after the 8:00am Mass.
God Bless America,
Fr. Jay Raju
Reading 1: Isaiah 35: 4-7a
Reading 11: James 2:1-5
Gospel: Mark 7:31-37