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Who we are and What we Believe

About St. John XXIII


A good Parish should

inspire you all week long.

“The most amazing fact about Jesus, unlike almost any other religious founder, is that he found God in disorder and imperfection—and told us that we must do the same or we would never be content on this earth.”

My friends, we are living in crazy times. All you need to do is turn on the television or visit any news blog to see it unfold before our eyes. Our task is to increase our spiritual capacity despite it all. We do this by having a closer relationship with God, and with our neighbors.

This Parish is a parish of inclusion and vitality. I invite you to listen to our podcasts, join our ministries and get involved. We need to stay strong in these volatile times. My prayer for you is that you lead happy and fulfilled lives. We can ONLY do this by walking in His footsteps. Sin happens when we stop growing spiritually, so walk with us here at St. John XXIII. It’s great to have you.

We've come a long way... and have a long way to go.

Learn more about Our

Parish History

St. John XXIII Parish came into existence on January 4, 2002. The Noonan Academy generously shared their facility with us during the planning and building of our church. Our first Mass was celebrated on Saturday, January 12, 2002. Plans for the new Church were undertaken almost immediately after our first weekend of liturgies. On March 1, 2002, we were canonically erected as a parish.

Our Pastoral Team

Here you will find the faces of the people that make this Parish run. We’re behind the scenes, making sure all facets of the Parish run smoothly and efficiently.

Our Parish Covenant

Our Parish Covenant is the promise we make to you, and the promise you make to St. John XXIII. Download it and sign it today.


Whether your little one is entering the world, or you’re entering the Church as an adult, there’s a process we follow so that you’re prepared to be a Catholic in every sense of the word. Learn more here and begin the journey.


It is the knowledge that there can never really be any peace and joy for me until there is peace and joy finally for you too.

Adult Education

Access the truth, beauty, and meaning of the Catholic Faith anytime, anywhere… with FORMED. It is our gift to you!

Parish Calendar

We use Google Calendar, so if you’re a Gmail user, you can sync your calendar with ours. If you have questions, it can answer many of them.

The most fascinating aspect of our "Parish Info" are the stories of our people.

Meet some of our people and learn about their faith journeys.

“Stories have power. They delight, enchant, touch, teach, recall, inspire, motivate, challenge. They help us understand. They imprint a picture on our minds. Want to make a point or raise an issue? Tell a story.” — Janet Litherland